
Under stormy sky and thunder three weird Sisters sing
Of the man Macbeth who soon shall reign as king.
For Macbeth has won a victory over the Danes
And so he shall receive the title of new thane.

The witches enter and sing of evils they have wrought
As they wait for Macbeth and Banquo who not knowing they are sought
Ride on blasted heath till they are stopped by Weird sisters’ praise
To Banquo’s heirs and Macbeth’s reign as he lives his numbered days.

As they stand and contemplate their future on the gorse
Their bemusement is banished by the breathing of the horse
Of Ross and Angus who hail Macbeth by new name
And in his heart he desires to be much more than thane.

King Duncan has announced his son Malcolm is his heir
And that he will spend the night in Macbeth’s dark lair.
Macbeth feels Fear’s fiery fingers and wants not to do the deed
Until his wife’s pronouncement she would do it in his stead.

Duncan’s life is measured till the tolling of the battle bell
Macbeth, steered straight by bloody vision, heard a voice as dagger fell.
Although the blood is washed the guilt does still remain
A blood that can’t be washed, it soon drives Macbeth insane.

The porter groans and grumbles as he opens Hell’s great gate
Macduff and Lennox enter and unknowing seal Macbeth’s fate.
Duncan is discovered as the new gorgon destroys sight
In the morning madness Macbeth makes known his might.

Macbeth is crowned king of Scotland at the Scone
And already doubts surround his bloody throne.
Banquo killed and Fleance fled to silence the doubts
Once more covered in blood Macbeth’s madness mounts.

Banquo’s bloody body’s buried but his spirit still lives on
Macbeth’s reign’s already ending while still in its dawn.
The witches meet with Hecate who tells Macbeth is near
She orders to confound him and make not their answers clear

Macbeth is shown the future with Banquo’s sons as king
But he shall be safe until Birmingham Wood takes wing.
Now reassured Macbeth sends killers to the house of Macduff
Blood is once more spilled but still it’s not enough

Macduff has fled to England where he and Malcolm meet
As they plan with help of English to undo Macbeth’s unholy feat.
Macduff hears of his family’s murder as his sorrow turns to rage
He gladly prepares for invasion and the war that they will wage.

Lady Macbeth somnambulates as she tries to wash the spot
Pouring from a wound whose blood will never clot.
Macbeth foolishly feels fortune favors him
Thinking he is immune from the penalties of his sin

Although the wood is moving Macbeth will fight to end
Now he sees his wrongs but it’s too late his ways to mend.
Macbeth is finally killed when Macduff cuts through his heart of stone
Order is restored as Prince Malcolm takes the throne.

So ends the tale of the killer king, Macbeth,
A man for whom ambition was a catalyst for death.
Bloody visions showed a man wracked by guilt
While outside forces tore down the kingdom he had built.

by Christopher Meyer